Examples of use of kools
1. Dressed in blue striped pajamas, a pack of Kools tucked in the breast pocket, he, too, has been up most of the night, shuttling between James‘s room and the smokers‘ porch just off the kitchen.
2. Jackie and Dunlap got a shot at mainstream celebrity during CNN‘s YouTube Democratic debate in July when they asked the candidates whether all the media attention on Al Gore hurts y‘all‘s feelings?‘‘ Their offbeat video query helped propel the redneck duo beyond a loyal Internet following, built up with weekly video blogs on Salon.com and DirecTV‘s The Fizz.‘‘ They‘ve even made a few pundit appearances on CNN. Definitely the end result is a major motion picture,‘‘ jokes Harmon, who plays gray–bearded Jackie in red plaid shirts and overalls while chain–smoking Kools. Or commercials,‘‘ suggests Shockley, who swills Buds and dons an American flag T–shirt as the younger Dunlap, for like a garden supply company or a tractor supply warehouse.‘‘ OK, so maybe these guys aren‘t getting offered a reality television deal like the Leave Britney Alone‘‘ guy, but they‘ve created a niche in political humor as the presidential campaign season heats up.